proof reading
Finished your piece but need someone to give it a quick once-over?
Proof reading can save face and money.
structural edit
Got all the words down but not sure that it sounds quite right?
A structural edit looks at the overall feel of your piece and gives you general pointers on how to enhance it.
copy edit
The words are down, you're happy with the way it sounds but is it US or U.S?
A copy edit will straighten out these woes for you and save you embarrassment down the line.
professional writing from a brief
You know what it needs to say but can't quite find the right words.
Brochures, booklets, web-content and more – let’s make sure your piece does and says what you need it to.
creative writing from a brief
Sometimes you've got the feelings but can't quite translate them to the page.
Ghost writing, biographies, eulogies – let’s create something you can be proud of.